Our Team


The Corporation has an executive Board with its Chairman/Chief Executive with number of complementary staff. It is equipped with inter-netting facilities, fax, computer service.

It has five Directors with the provision of increasing to nine directors. The profile of each of its directors is as under.

Chief Executive

Abdul Ghafoor Gatta : 

Haji Abdul Ghfoor is a founder chief executive of the Board and Director General memon travel.He has been hereditary service provider for the last 23 years to Umra pilgrims in association.


Abdul Bari Gatta : 

Abdul Bari Gatta is the promoter Director & Operation of Memon Travel and Tours (Pvt) Ltd and has been providing services for the last 15 years.


Abdul Razzak Gatta :

Mr. Abdul RazzaK Gtta is a promoter Director and Opreation Mnager in Memon Travel & Tours (Pvt) Ltd, He has been hereditary service provider for the last 19 years.